Humans on the Homefront

Showing the World our Military Families, One Story at a Time

Note: I’m thrilled that Humans on the Homefront is featured by NextGen MilSpouse today. You can always count on the military community to hold one another up, and support each other where we can. I am so proud to know the brains behind NGMS, and honored they’re putting their incredible spotlight on my baby. 

For so many of my friends, we are the only military family they know personally. Some have a distant cousin, or like me, grandparents who served long before we were born, but as far as one degree of separation, we are it. Outside of a few college classmates in ROTC, before I met my husband, I didn’t know anyone in the Armed Forces either.

When I started writing the Deployment Diary for the New York Times a year and a half ago, I was overwhelmed by the number of friends, family members, and even strangers, that reached out expressing their appreciation for insight into a military family.
My goal in writing the diary was to make it just that, a diary. I wanted it to be vulnerable, honest, and above all else, real.

I looked at it as an incredible opportunity to share the ups and downs of this crazy life. While I was honored to write about it, and especially to have such a large platform, I was always aware that mine was just one voice; ours was just one story.