Month: March 2017

Oh the Places We’ll Go — MilSpouse Version

Originally published on Spousebuzz 

It’s Dr. Seuss’s birthday and as military spouses, we have to pay a little homage to the man who wrote what could be our collective manifesto. Did you know the same guy who cranked out over 40 books for kids with such well known titles as Green Eggs and Ham and The Cat in the Hat, was also a captain in the Army? Additionally, Theodor Geisel, more commonly known as “Dr. Seuss” penned more than 400 political cartoons in the height of World War II, oft depicting Hitler as a villain and Mussolini as a moron. Not long after, according to the History Channel, Dr. Seuss went to work alongside famed director Frank Capra and Warner Brothers to produce animated training materials – films, booklets and even documentaries, featuring “Private SNAFU” (Situation Normal, All Fouled Up), a soldier whose mistakes were meant to be a warning lesson for the young, enlisted troops during the war. So there’s that.
While lesser known for his military work, the globally beloved author is renowned for his rhyming, singsongy-like cadence that’s accompanied by brightly colored pictures that kids adore and parents long remember.
Whether you’re diehard Lorax fan or more of a Grinch, as military spouses there’s one Dr. Seuss book we should all buy, read and commit to memory. It’s pretty much written for us, and if you’re a Seuss fan, you already know what I’m talking about. It’s Oh the Places You’ll Go.
So today we give you Oh the Places You’ll Go, Military Spouse Style.

Today is your day.

Time to choose your next duty station.

You’ll be off and away!
You have brains in your head.

You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

You’re on your own. And you know what you know.

Just kidding. It’s the detailer who will decide where you go.

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